Sunday, May 3, 2009

REQUESTS from our brother, Bernie V.

From Bernie V.:

Here are some subjects that should be touched upon:

1)Philosophical foundations should be established. We should touch upon how reality is perceived by us through faith and reason. Faith is not in the same level as imagination. Many people only except truth and reality through reason. You should talk about how all humans take a leap of faith when it comes to the full perception of reality. You should talk about what truth is and if it can be obtained. You should touch upon the nature of free will and predestination. You should talk about being. So it looks like we're dealing with ontology and epistemology. The philosophical framework should be fully established before we move on with this blog.

2)Talk about the Bible and its role in the Church. How did the Bible come together. What does inspiration mean. What does inerrancy mean. Is the Bible the sole authority on matters of faith and morals, or is it the Church. Of course you say the church (the magisterium) is the final authority, explain these things. Give us a good understanding of revelation and tradition; how God communicates with the Church.

3)The other day we had a conversation of how we handle the general consensus regarding origins science. You mentioned materialistic reductionism (i think), naturalism, emergetism, etc. Mention those things and the flaws, and what the best approach to philosophically answer the question of why creation (or nature) is the way it is.

I cannot remember anything else at this moment. But these three things (in the order that they are) should be addressed.

Thank you very much Bill

I will see what I can do, Bernie. Thank you for your continued interest and investment. As a wise friend says, "the low watermark of love is paying attention."

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