Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bible Alive Jesus Christ Nine: The Kingdom & Jesus' Death

Here are questions from the ninth class of Bible Alive: Jesus Christ, meeting Tuesday nights. To follow you will need to read the book Jesus Christ: Fundamentals in Christology, by Roch Kereszty, o. cist.
ISBN-10: 081890917X
ISBN-13: 978-0818909177
It can be ordered here NOTE: YOU NEED to read the book.

You will need to explore in depth the similarities and differences between the Passion Narratives in the four canonical Gospels at this wonderful scholarly resource.

Assignment: Answer Questions for class nine and read Jesus Christ: Fundamentals of Christology Chapter Five pp. 136-147 AFTER going over all the guides so far (nine weeks total).

1. How can you show that Jesus saw his death as part of God’s Plan of Salvation?

2. How do the words of Jesus at the Last Supper (Mk 14:22-25) and his actions at this Supper shed light on Jesus’ understanding of his own death?

3. Show that Jesus’ death, as an expiating sacrifice, is not opposed to his initial announcement of freely offered forgiveness.

4. What indications do we have for the authenticity of Jesus’ cry from the cross, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me”?

5. What indicates that Jesus’ predicted his resurrection? Yet, if he did, how could he truly suffer anguish?

6. Do Mk 9:1, Mt 16:28, Mk 13:30, and Mt 24:34 necessarily imply a chronologically imminent end of the world? Explain.

7. What is Jesus’ position on the “day and hour” of the End?

8. How has the Kingdom become present in our world through the death and resurrection of Jesus? What is still to be expected? Why do we pray everyday for its coming?

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