Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bible Alive Jesus Christ Five: The Beginning of the Gospel

Here are questions from the fifth class of Bible Alive: Jesus Christ, meeting Tuesday nights. To follow you will need to read the book Jesus Christ: Fundamentals in Christology, by Roch Kereszty, o. cist.
ISBN-10: 081890917X
ISBN-13: 978-0818909177
It can be ordered here NOTE: YOU NEED to read the book.

The following questions cover pp. 72-81, which you NEED to read.
Class Five Questions:

1. Explain the analogy between the mystery of Jesus’ virginal conception and the mystery of his resurrection.

2. How can you show that the tradition of the virginal conception of Jesus does not derive from the Hellenistic religions?

3. How is the mystery of the virginal conception prepared for in the Old Testament?

4. What is the theological meaning behind Jesus’ virginal conception? What is common to both Matthew and Luke? What is special to Matthew and what is special to Luke?

5. What can be shown historically about the fact of the virginal conception?

6. How is faith related to what is historically demonstrable? (Show the analogy between the fact of the empty tomb and the early pregnancy of Mary.)

7. What can and cannot be proved from the New Testament concerning “the brothers and sisters of Jesus”?

8. What arguments does Bauckham present in favor of the Epiphanian view regarding “the brothers and sisters of Jesus”?

9. How did Church tradition develop regarding the perpetual virginity of Mary?

10. How is the perpetual virginity of Mary connected with the mystery of her universal motherhood?

11. How is the mystery of Mary’s perpetual virginity related to the mystery of the Church?

You might also wish to explore indepth the differences between the Matthean and Lucan Infancy Narratives at a wonderful scholarly resource. For a presentation on the Gospel of Matthew's Infancy Narrative, click here. For a presentation on the Gospel of Luke's Infancy Narrative, click here. Then, for a conclusion based on what has been discovered in both narratives, click here.

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