Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bible Alive Jesus Christ Four: Historical Facts & Resurrection Faith

Here are questions from the fourth class of Bible Alive: Jesus Christ, meeting Tuesday nights. To follow you will need to read the book Jesus Christ: Fundamentals in Christology, by Roch Kereszty, o. cist.
ISBN-10: 081890917X
ISBN-13: 978-0818909177
It can be ordered here NOTE: YOU NEED to read the book.

The following questions cover pp. 48-71, which you NEED to read.
Class Four Questions:

1. What facts connected with the origin of resurrection faith can be established by the historian? In particular, how do you prove the historicity of the empty tomb?

2. Explain the theories that deny any form of resurrection.

3. Explain the various interpretations of the resurrection of Christ.

4. Interpret the epistemological status of the appearances of Jesus:

a. What extreme interpretations should be excluded?

b. What does it mean that the appearances were revelatory signs of the Risen Christ?

c. In order to recognize an appearance of the risen Christ, what else did the disciples need beside sense perception? Why was sense perception not sufficient to recognize the identity of the Risen Lord?

d. Were the appearances historical events? Explain.

e. How are the appearances related to the sacraments?

f. How does the fact of the empty tomb contribute to our understanding of the reality of the Risen Christ?

5. How can history, philosophy, and theology contribute to the credibility of the resurrection of Jesus?

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